Category Archives: Uncategorized Stuff

All the wrong places

Not that this country is perfect, of course not, there are many problems to catch up with. But I love this country more than anywhere I have lived. I love the law and order here. I love the system, and the support they provide for their citizens. It feels good to be here.

Other countries have their pros and cons, but there is a certain peace here that I admire. I feel like I needed to be in those wrong places to be appreciative of what I will have in the future.

Universe, thank you!

مدل شدن

تقریبا هر زن ایرانی با هر سنی، از 18 تا 90، آرزو داره مدل بشه.

نه همه. اما بیشتر ایرانی ها مخصوصا در خارج این ارزو رو دارن.

پیرزن 60 ساله رفته دنبال مدلینگ. دختر 35 ساله دنبال مدلینگ. حتی در گوشه یک ده رندوم در یک شهر رندوم.

هر مرد ایرانی دنبال دیده شدنه به هر نحوی که بتونه.

باشگاه، پادکست، مزاحمت، شوخی های ریز، اسالت، استاکینگ، هر کاری که هم زمان که باعث میشه خودش رو نشون بده اما هم زمان غرور کاذب ساختگی مامان پزش زیر سوال نره.

وضع روحی روانی ایرانی ها اینقدر بد هست و در طول این سالها اینقدر ایرانی احمق دیدم که گاهی از خودم میپرسم چه طوری من این ها رو چه در ایران چه در خارج اصلا در حدی حساب کردم که باهاشون دوست بشم یا به حرف هاشون علاقمند بشن.

متاسفانه مردم اون جامعه پر از عقده و حقارتند. مخصوصا مردم بالای 40 سال. به ندرت ادم نرمال و سالم دیده میشه.

مردها همه مجرد، افسرده، بدبخت. همه هنوز در لفافه حرف می زنن، هنوز زیرپوستی جوک های مسخره و به نخور و پر از توهین و سکسیست و ریسیستشون رو میگن و انتظار دارن دختر گیرشون بیاد.

همه هنوز دنبال مدرک گرفتن، هنوز دنبال سرتیفیکیت گرفتن، هنوز دنبال اینن که یک نسخه ای که از بچگی مامانی بهشون گفته رو به همه جا اپلای کنن. هیچ شناختی مطلقا از جاهایی که توش زندگی کردن ندارن.

هنوز دنبال تحقیر و خرد کردن بقیه ن.

این همه عقده. وقتی نتونی تو چهل پنجاه سالگی سالم و نرمال باشی و هنوز عقده داشته باشی، واقعا کی میخوای ادم بشی؟!

وقتی ادم اپشنی نداره و دور و بریاش احمق هستن طبیعیه که ایرانیای خارج هم به چشمش عادی به نظر میرسن.

اما وقتی میری بین ادم های باکیفیت کار و زندگی میکنی میفهمی هم وطنهات چه قدر بیچاره ن.

واقعا دل ادم می سوزه.

نسل ایرانی ها چه در ایران چه در خارج قرار نیست عوض بشه.

قراره احمق باشن و احمق زندگی کنن و احمق بمیرن.

مردم ترسوی ضعیف کش بدون جربزه و بدون خلاقیت.

حتی اگه 30 سال خارج از ایران زندگی کنن باز دنبال ازار و اذیت و مچ گرفتن هستن.

بیخود نیست هیچ وقت در جامعه مقصد حل نمیشن.

the 3 residues

But that’s grad school. You take a tiny corner of the universe that a professor finds fascinating and bury your face in it, looking up only occasionally to steal unattended bagels.

At the end of two months, I felt ready to announce my discovery to the world. “Residues 103, 107, and 109 are unimportant!” I wanted to cry from the hilltops. “Unimportant!” But a journal article never quite coalesced, and I moved on to a different lab, and now exactly zero people know about my discovery—which, had I ended up publishing the results, would have been exactly the number of people who cared.

Surviving Your Stupid Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School

Adam Ruben

He is not wrong. In fact, he is totally right.

The distance

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from stupid people.

I Sooo believe in this. Like my man says, when you spend time on planning evil things, you fall behind from your dreams. Bullying, harassments, envying, is like a full time job.

Now imagine you’re the other side, and have to listen to these people, spend time on them and waste your life interpreting them.



On Aug 30 and 31, the weather changed to a rainy, thunderstormy thing. Rainfall was remarkable. The temperature dropped about 7-9 degrees (C), and the wind started to convert to a ‘chill’ one.

On Sep 1, the temperature dropped even more and everything has been like a normal natural autumn weather.

Welcome to autumn.

What to do with idiots

What I have found about people in general is that each is unique in their own way.

Some are insane. Some are wired as self and environment destructive. Some are neutral people who simply never care about bothering others even in helping them.

Some are good people who want to help others in any way they can. People are different. It is not anyone’s job to correct them. We are not in that position to control anything, and no one should. But we can help, if they asked for.

Some people annoy you to seem inspiring and analytical to others. Some do that because they have serious mental issues. For some, it’s a habit. Most of them are sadistic creatures. You cannot do anything about it. Just move on. Find someone you love, start a life with them, marry them if they love them that much, and grow your family. Keep your focus out of those losers who feel responsible to judge everyone.

All you need to do is to ignore them. Some will come to their senses. Some, will remain idiots forever. Just avoid them. Avoid both groups. The first ones are usually broken and it will take a long time for them to be fixed. The second group? They will remain a moron.


Every single day I see more and more post-docs with no secured jobs.

Why are they spending years and years on something so silly?

Are they just gonna walk around looking for more post-docs their whole lives? They are sad to see. No sparkle of anything. Broken, and broke. Sad, depressed. They look like the random towns in the middle of nowhere.