
I personally disliked being in a dormitory, when I was an undergrad.

We were 4 people, at least, with 7 people sleeping in our beds. I had to sleep on the ground, because those “takers” were upper class bullies. I was a first-second year undergrad, and they were campus whores, literally and figuratively. I had to adjust myself to them. They stole, stayed up over night, physically hurt me, mentally tortured me, and you know, that age, doesn’t demand many roommates. One, tops. Especially in Iran, where the lack of proper upbringing and education by families is absolutely evident.

My question was, why would people in charge, throw about 150 people in about 13 rooms, give them only one kitchen, with one tiny stove, get them only 1 bathroom, and build floors of these students, unattended? People came to our floor to go to the bathroom, from other floors.

The dormitory I lived after graduation, was worse. We were 4 floors, and we only had one bathroom.

My first year was even worse. We were about 11 floors, and we had one bathroom. There were bathrooms on our floors, but there was no water, at all. There was no elevator, as well.

I don’t think that any normal person would want to stay in such a bloody hell, until you are staying one night a week. Even that, is horrible.

Many of us did not have a decent memory of the past. We were neglected, by our families, by the society, and by the system. We were forgotten. We even didn’t have space to being a friend. People of the center of Iran were usually the ones who felt they are in charge of everything. They considered them our bosses.

Now, why would I want to miss the dormitory? I never miss it. I don’t miss anything about Tehran, or my dormitory. I hated it. I hated both. A polluted city with lots of traffic, unruly, angry, depressed, and rude people.

Honestly, most cities of Iran are like that. People who usually claim dormitory is fun, are the ones who make it hell for others, and are usually the ones who do not stay much there. Many of Iranians were, and are sadistic people. It is hard to live with people who have strong sadistic traits.

Why do you think Iran is falling apart?

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